Monday, March 28, 2016

Montana State University

This week we were asked to create a link that we think multiple people would click on. We used a caption that had nothing to do with what the article was actually about, however, it will make our  demographic of 17-18 year olds that are looking for a university click on our link. Our headline was "The Best College with Weed, Sports, and Outdoors". We knew that no matter how good our articles were to sell MSU it did not  matter if no one clickedon our website. 
These are the more important factors that grab teenagers of our time. When trying to market a university you need to be completely aware of your target market and we found that this headline would be the most successful and clickable headline. 
"The rationale behind our strategy is being straight forward and peaking a 17-18 year old interest with familiar buzz words. By being straight forward and displaying Weed, Sports, and Outdoors we are reaching to our target market more effectively than displaying how many degrees MSU offers, how MSU is regarded as a great institution for research,  or graduation rates"(Wes Taylor, Group member)

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