Monday, March 28, 2016


One of the most disturbing heuristics in my opinion is the color heuristic that has to compare with the different colors used to market towards boys or girls. From a young age we are taught that girls like pink and boys like blue. It is intelligent obviously to use this as a marketing tool because it works with our society. However, it is unfortunate that a boy that likes pink is teased because that is too girly.

This is often how restaurants and bar market to women. Men that order this drink are ridiculed for drink "bitch beer" or a fluffy drink.
This is how society most often market to men, even when it is often that especially younger women choose this as their choice.

Montana State University

This week we were asked to create a link that we think multiple people would click on. We used a caption that had nothing to do with what the article was actually about, however, it will make our  demographic of 17-18 year olds that are looking for a university click on our link. Our headline was "The Best College with Weed, Sports, and Outdoors". We knew that no matter how good our articles were to sell MSU it did not  matter if no one clickedon our website. 
These are the more important factors that grab teenagers of our time. When trying to market a university you need to be completely aware of your target market and we found that this headline would be the most successful and clickable headline. 
"The rationale behind our strategy is being straight forward and peaking a 17-18 year old interest with familiar buzz words. By being straight forward and displaying Weed, Sports, and Outdoors we are reaching to our target market more effectively than displaying how many degrees MSU offers, how MSU is regarded as a great institution for research,  or graduation rates"(Wes Taylor, Group member)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Predictably Irrational

This book really opened my eyes to the reasons that consumers buy what they buy. It blew my mind when I actually realized my own decisions that I make. I was especially interested in the vacation example that Ariely talked about. The fact that choices of Paris with free breakfast Rome with free breakfast and Rome without free breakfast, most people would chose Rome with free breakfast instead of Paris because it is easier to decided between to Rome choices even though Paris might be the better option. People constantly are upset about the choices that they make. People are constantly having buyer's remorse over what they have chosen which leads to jealousy between humans. There are several ways to combat this. My favorite way of doing this is to just relax and be happy with the decision. Predictably Irrational really made me think about not only the way consumers purchase, but also the decisions that I make.